Friday, August 15, 2008


it's almost two weeks living in Australia.... and currently there's this Olympic event happening in Beijing...
Well of course such huge event will have telecasts all over the world...

here in Australia, Channel 7 is the main channel...

in the swimming event, we have Stephanie Rice from Aussie who won the individual medley event and also broke the record... WOW!!! that is really a thing to be proud of.. no doubts about it..

Stephanie Rice (her birthdate is 17 June 1988... three days older than me only...Geminis are good) the Golden Girl of Australia

But... Australia is so proud of this that the winning is being replayed every day in the TV... morning, night... haih...

And everytime i on the TV, the event on show will be swimming regardless of men's or women's event... Makes me wonder if Olympics is only about swimming....

and when it comes to news... the main topic will be about sports instead of happenings all around the world... also when u read the newspaper here, the headlines will be about swimmers....

there's Stephanie Rice, Libby Trickett, Leisel Jones, Jessicah Schipper, Grant Hackett, Eamon Sullivan..... See...even i can memorise their names already....that's how much they talk about their athletes

they also talk about Michale Phelps though....although he's not Australian... He's a swimming alien. Gold is his lowest target...

haih... Australians are patriotic i should say??

btw... is Malaysia in Olympics, really i don't know...

1 comment:

  1. OUCH!

    your been so quiet we thought you were somewhere in a ditch dead.. killed by racist angmos.. yes malaysia is in Olympic..

    Lee CHONG WEI yes earned silver for badminton men single..

