I've just watched New Moon and i have to say... I LIKE IT!!
i won't be pretending that i don't like the movie... i've always liked every movies...whether it's action or chick flick. Sci-fi or fantasy would be my favourite.
Like Harry Potter, Twilight is based on story books. But I really do think that Twilight is much much better than Harry Potter. Harry Potter books are good but not the movie.
I know a lot of guys think that Twilight is a girl's movie and guys shouldn't watch it... but nope.. they're wrong.
Now i know why most girls are fans of this movie. first of course would be the beautiful casts.
A bunch of teenager kept on shouting when they saw Jacob taking his shirt off. No doubt he has really buffed body.. It's gonna be a motivation for me to continue working out...=D
but besides that, there's another reason why girls like the movie. it's the love of most girls' dream... well, not the vampire human love.. but the eternal love. Now, this is the part where guys should focus on. it's from this movie that i've learnt of words which girls really love to hear.
"I'll always be here for you no matter what. I'll never leave you."
"Leaving you would be the hardest thing I've done in a hundred years."
It's all about the romantic moments which makes the girls go crazy about this movie.
But i wasn't really attracted to all these stuff. I was actually focusing more on the way the casts act. I've always liked to watch the "Behind the Scenes" of movies. and i've watched the making of this movie. So I enjoyed was their product...watching while imagining how they really make it.
The Casts in Twilight are mostly "new comers" and i should say they're good... with all the actions and the facial expressions. and all the special effects..
i'd say, watching how people act is the fun part in a movie. how i wonder if i could join the hollywood team one day, whether it's directing or acting =D
... it's a really big dream...especially when u're born in a country which is not so well-known yet. it's as if i'm crawling from malaysia to the U.S. gonna take so much effort. unless one day, i can fly.
Nevertheless, a dream is a dream. it's not wrong to dream, no matter how crazy the dream can be. at least i have goals, and that's the thing that guided me all the while, from falling into the dark side.
Oh ya... one more thing. NEVER watch this kind of movies with young girls... you'll end up listening to squeals and giggles rather than the talkings in the movie. It's disastrous!! it's because the movie contains lots of "nudity" which teenage girls might not have seen before. it's like porn to them.
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