Monday, November 9, 2009

Experience as a teacher

Wow wow wow... the Human's Life blog nearly lost its life. there's nothing much in life lately... just the plain routines.

have been teaching in ITS. it was quite fun and not too difficult also because all the teaching plans were provided. the students range from 11 to 14 years old.

well, all my students have different characteristics. it's fun to communicate with them.

i've got this student. he's smart. and he loves to correct my mistakes... even though there's no mistake, he would argue until there's mistake. it was annoying sometimes but i still need him. haha.. because he's the one who helped pull up the class average.

then i've got this student. he's already 14 but he hardly knows English. this would probably be the hardest student to teach. had to actually break the school rules to translate the meaning for him. marking his composition would be the hardest thing i've ever done... cuz it's like marking a german essay.

i've also got a student who's never in my class spiritually. only his body is there... seriously.
usually i would ask "anyone has school fees?" at the beginning of the month. when i looked at him, he would look back at me blankly. then after 15 minutes, when i was about to send the fees to the office, he would run to me with his school fees... haha...that's how blurr this student is.

then i've also got this female student who hates girls...she hates girls who like to whine alot haha.. she has the dream to conquer the world... it's really funny when she talked about that.

well, kids nowadays have got a different social life... when i was 11, i don't even have a computer to play with and i would only go out with my parents. But kids nowadays, at the same age, they're already talking about boyfriends, play iphones and they can even go to The Spring with their friends... that's how different they are. and they even talk about brands... when i was 11, we play digimon.

So, my students like to ask about me. they would ask if i've got a girlfriend already, so i would always come up with a different story everytime they ask. sometimes, i would say i'm married with two kids. then sometimes, i'm divorced... it's funny to see their reaction.

then sometimes, when my students boast about their family's wealth; talking about the expensive things they have,
i would say "Don't think you guys are so rich. I'm much richer. my father owns the Grand Hyatt hotel but i never say anything."
and they naively believed what i've said.. HAHA

1 comment:

  1. hahah..naive kids..dont simply teach ah kids today learn things real fast!
