Friday, August 27, 2010

Parliament Meeting or Gang Fight??

This is a recent video taken from Youtube. Nowadays, thanks to sites like YouTube and Facebook, we're able to know everything that's happening. Even behind the scenes of the government actions. It's allows us to know what really is happening instead of just being so naive like how the people are in the past.

Sometimes, I just felt ashamed of what has happened to our beloved country. Yes, the main one is the racial issue which has become a hit news these days but honestly, I wasn't so bothered by that. All those issues are mostly focused in the West Malaysia. I live in Sarawak where these matters are not serious at all. Sarawakians are harmonious people. We blend in well with each other, and we do not only focus on the three main races like they always do. Here, in Sarawak, we have many more different aboriginal races like the Dayaks, Ibans, Bidayuhs, Penans... up till 20 different kinds, you name it. It's good that Sarawak is on the other side with Sabah instead of being clustered up with the rest of the states and getting stuck in between the feuds they are having. I can see that we are a much more independent and neutral state. And it's sad that the West Malaysians do not really know Sarawak at all, but who cares.. as long as we know ourselves. That's enough.

But what I am really disappointed here, in the video, is the professionalism of the Malaysian government. If you watch the video, is that a parliament meeting?? or a gang fight?? When I watch that video, it just reminds me of the gang fights which I used to watch back in high school. Pointless shoutings here and there. It's a shame. It makes the parliament look more like a wet market rather than a parliament itself. I know, political parties in every country will definitely have arguments. Spain, Australia, Slovakia... when I talk to friends from different countries about politics, we'll be on the same side. Nobody likes their government. It's true... except maybe Norway and a few more high standard countries because they are satisfied with their country.

The thing is, arguments should be done in a more professional debating manner instead of in a gangstery way. But then again, I have realised that politicians can be anyone. Not all has won debate competitions or taken law degrees. As long as they join a political party. Some might even be a high school gangster in the past. Who knows?? That's why we have such political argument in the parliament. All they do is "Bla.. Bla.. BLA!!!"... "Mia.. Mia, MIA!!" for a few hours and then in the end,

A: "Umm... what have we achieved from the meeting today??"
B: "Let me see...Nothing..But I think I have lost something."
A: "What is that you lose?"
B: " voice."



  1. ah yeah I saw this ...

    Sigh, have been hearing bad remarks or statement from Malays

    but then again there r some that r far more educated who won't say such idiotic remarks

  2. I'm pretty used to that already. It's Malaysia for God's sake. But I was really surprised on how the parliament meeting is being executed. 0% professionality
