Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Greetings in Spain

Spanish people, like I always boast, are very friendly. That's real. Not all of them but most especially those you have to meet most of the time. But what I admire most in Spain is the greeting culture of the Spanish people. No matter how many times you meet in a day, they'll always greet every time they see you. And if they're going out, they'll surely say "hasta luego" or "adios". Then when they return, it'll be "hola" or "buenas". And it's not just among colleagues, even the boss greets you. There are a few times when my big boss greets me first before I greet him. It's rather peculiar because I don't suppose this will ever happen in Malaysia.

And sometimes when we have lunch, my lunch mates will even say "adios" to the people sitting near our table before leaving even though they don't know each other.

I'm not used to greeting people either back in Malaysia or Australia. Mostly, I would just smile or say hello for the first time we meet during the day. But now, I have to adapt to their culture. I'm learning to always greet as well and is getting used to it which I like.

1 comment:

  1. carry on writing. I enjoy reading it from faraway M'sia here. Nice pixs too.
